When Will Chandrayaan 3 Land on Moon – Everything about the best moon craft Mission

The burning question in the minds of great Indians would be “When Will Chandrayaan 3 Land on Moon“. In this article, we will delve into the Chandrayaan 3 details and its significant contributions to scientific research and space exploration.

In recent years, space exploration has taken giant leaps towards unravelling the mysteries of the universe. One such remarkable endeavour is the Chandrayaan Mission. Chandrayaan, meaning “moon vehicle” in Sanskrit, is an ambitious lunar exploration program undertaken by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). This mission has captured the imagination of people worldwide, as it seeks to uncover the secrets of Earth’s celestial neighbour..

When Will Chandrayaan-3 Land on Moon

Latest update as of 23rd August 2023:

Chandrayaan 3 is expected to land at ~6pm IST on the moon. Congratulations to all the Indians !! Very happy to see this moment ! A proud moment for India and its citizens.

Latest update as of 19th August 2023:

Chandrayaan 3 has successfully entered into the moon’s orbit and is on track to land on lunar surface on 23rd August 2023. This way India will be the fourth country after US, Russia and China to land a spacecraft on moon.

You can also get updates from the official ISRO site.

What is ISRO?

ISRO full form is the Indian Space Research Organisation which is a well-known space agency in India. ISRO is our Space agency which is responsible for all the outer space missions for the benefit of not only Indians but mankind.

Current ISRO chairman is MR. S Somanath.

What is Chandrayaan 3?

Chandrayaan 3 is a lunar(moon) exploration mission by the ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation). It is the third lunar mission or 2nd follow-on mission to Chandrayaan 2 and the first lunar mission in this series was Chandrayaan 1.

What will Chandrayaan 3 do?

Another question that comes to our great minds is-‘what is the aim of Chandrayaan 3?’

The Chandrayaan Mission, initiated by ISRO, aims to explore the Moon and enhance our understanding of its geological composition, lunar topography, map its surface, temperature, moonquakes, density of particles, the presence of water molecules and much more. This will give insights into the Moon’s geological evolution and its connection to Earth’s history. These findings will help us to refine our understanding of the formation and evolution of the lunar surface.

Chandrayaan 3 will be launched from Earth, then it will land on the moon smoothly. After that, there will be experiments conducted on the moon to get more understanding of the lunar surface and environment.

Chandrayaan 3 aims to further study the distribution and characteristics of lunar water, contributing to plans for human colonization and space travel.

The Chandrayaan Mission has not only expanded our scientific knowledge but has also pushed the boundaries of space technology. Developing the capabilities for lunar missions has driven advancements in spacecraft design, navigation systems, and communication technologies. These technological advancements have wider applications in other space exploration endeavours and satellite missions.

ISRO Chandrayaan 3 launch date and time in India:

We know it is a Friday movies release day but the true Indians are proudly watching Chandrayaan 3 launch. ISRO successfully launched the Chandrayaan 3 mission at 2:35 pm on Friday, 14th July 2023.

When Will Chandrayaan-3 Land on Moon

Chandrayaan 3 astronauts: Who is going with Chandrayaan-3?

Chandrayaan 3 is an unamanned mission. Chandrayaan 3 astronaut’s name sitting at earth is Mrs Ritu Karidhal Shrivastava who is leading the Chandrayan 3 mission and 100% the mission will be successful as we already know Mrs Ritu’s Caliber. Mrs Ritu is an ISRO scientist & a native of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh India.

Please read to know more about Ritu Karidhal Shrivastava: 2023 Who is Ritu Karidhal Shrivastava? The Rocket Woman of India

Who is the leader of Chandrayaan-3?

As many of us will be thinking – “Who launched Chandrayaan 3?

Well as per the details shared with us, the Project leader of Chandrayaan 3 is P Veeramuthuvel who was also involved in the Chandrayaan 2 mission.

The Mission Director of Chandrayaan 3 is Mohan Kumar.

Just for your knowledge, Chandrayaan 1 and Chandrayaan 2 were headed by Mayilsamy Annadurai and M Vanitha.

Where is Chandrayaan-3 launching from?

ISRO’s third lunar mission Chandrayaan- 3 on-boarded LVM3-M4 (Launch Vehicle Mark-3) rocket from the second launch pad at Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota on Friday.

Sriharikota is an island near the Bay of Bengal in Andhra Pradesh, India. Satish Dhawan Space Centre is located there and is one of the launch centres in India.

Chandrayaan 3

Where will Chandrayaan-3 land?

As the name suggests, Chandrayaan 3 landing site will be our natural satellite- the moon. And specifically on the South pole of the moon by rover Pragyan.

When Will Chandrayaan 3 Land on Moon?

Now our million-dollar question is How long Chandrayaan-3 will take to reach Moon?
LVM3 M4(Launch Vehicle Mark-3) has been successfully launched into orbit. As per the calculations done by ISRO, the time taken to reach the moon by Chandrayaan 3 will be around 43 days and is expected to land on the moon on 23rd August 2023.
Latest update as of 5th August 2023, Chandrayaan 3 has covered two-third of the distance to the moon.

Chandrayaan-3 Mission Cost:

The Cost of Chandrayaan 3 is 615 crore INR ~ $75 million. This budget is even lower than a famous hollywood movie-Interstellar. But the main thing is that this mission is a turning point in India’s history and a proud moment for all Indians.

Extra bits:

Chandrayaan-1: Laying the Foundation

Chandrayaan-1, launched in October 2008, marked India’s first mission to the Moon. Equipped with advanced scientific instruments, it successfully orbited the Moon and collected valuable data for over ten months. The mission’s objectives included creating a three-dimensional atlas of the Moon’s surface, mapping its mineral distribution, and studying the presence of water ice in the lunar polar regions.

One of the notable achievements of Chandrayaan-1 was the discovery of the presence of water molecules on the Moon. The Moon was traditionally believed to be dry, but the findings from this mission provided compelling evidence of the existence of water in the form of ice particles in the permanently shadowed regions of the lunar surface.

Chandrayaan-2: Advancing the Frontiers

Building upon the success of Chandrayaan-1, the Chandrayaan-2 mission aimed to achieve a soft landing on the Moon’s surface and further explore its uncharted territories. Launched in July 2019, this mission consisted of an orbiter, a lander named Vikram, and a rover called Pragyan.

The mission encountered a few challenges during the landing phase, and the lander Vikram lost communication shortly before touchdown. Despite this setback, the orbiter continued to function as planned and provided valuable data and high-resolution images of the lunar surface.


The Chandrayaan Mission stands as a testament to human curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge. Through its endeavours, the mission has not only expanded our understanding of the Moon but has also contributed to advancements in space technology. The discovery of water molecules on the lunar surface has opened up new possibilities for future space exploration and colonization. As we continue to unravel the mysteries of the universe, the Chandrayaan Mission serves as a beacon of scientific progress and human ingenuity.

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FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What is the speed of Chandrayaan 3?

A1. The speed of Chandrayaan is expected to be 6000km/hr.

Q2. What is the cost of Chandrayaan 3?

A2. Chandrayaan 3 budget is approximately Rs 615 crore.

Q3. Was Chandrayaan-3 successful?

A3. The Chadrayaan 3 was launched successfully. Now we have to wait until it lands on the moon safely and smoothly. Then we can confirm if Chandrayaan-3 was successful.

Q4. What is the objective of the Chandrayaan Mission?

A4. The Chandrayaan Mission aims to explore the Moon, study its geological composition, map its surface, and investigate the presence of water molecules in the lunar polar regions.

Q6. How did Chandrayaan-1 discover water on the Moon?

A6. Chandrayaan-1 carried an instrument called the Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3) that detected the presence of water molecules by analyzing the way sunlight reflected off the lunar surface.

Q7. What were the major findings of Chandrayaan-1?

A7. Chandrayaan-1’s major findings include the confirmation of the presence of water molecules on the Moon, detailed mapping of the lunar surface, and the discovery of several new lunar craters.

Q8. What happened during the landing of Chandrayaan-2?

A8. Chandrayaan-2’s lander, Vikram, lost communication with the ground control just moments before its scheduled touchdown. However, the orbiter continued to function and provided valuable data and images of the lunar surface.

Q9. How has the Chandrayaan Mission contributed to space exploration?

A9. The Chandrayaan Mission has significantly advanced our understanding of the Moon, expanded lunar science, and paved the way for future missions. It has also propelled technological advancements in spacecraft design and communication systems.

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