How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ in the Best Way (Updated)

If you are a techy who loves to explore things, these options offer manyUnlocking the developer options in your LG G8X ThinQ can be a game-changer if you know the things. If you want to customise your mobile or you are a techy who loves to explore things then these options offer a plethora of possibilities. Enabling developer options will make your smartphone truly yours. In this guide, we’ll show you the steps on how to enable developer options in LG G8X ThinQ and explore the exciting features they bring to the table..

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

What are developer options?

Developer options in an option in settings in the mobile where you can customise all the technical features and behaviour of your mobile. By enabling Developer options you will get the developer access to the device and can change anything in the smartphone like a developer. You can also use this to debug your device performance or any bugs.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Do you want to know how to turn on developer options?

Please follow the below steps on how to enable developer options in settings in LG G8X ThinQ or we can say How to enable developer options on your Android and unlock the potent of your smartphone.

Note: The procedure on how to unlock developer options is the same for all the Android smartphones it’s just the naming convention could be a little different but following the below steps will help you for any other smartphone brand.

Step 1: Go to Settings.

Step 2: Search for ‘Developer options’ in the search bar at the top. Please see the below screenshot for your help. You will not find anything and it will say ‘No results found’ because developer options are not yet enabled on your device. This answers the query that many people ask – Why there is no developer option on my phone?

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Step 3: Search for ‘About phone’ in the search bar at the top and click on it.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Step 4: You will see a lot of options there. Click on Software information.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Step 5: Now the main step comes. You will see an option ‘Build number’. Click on it multiple times (to be precise 7 times).

How To Enable Developer Options

After following the above 5 steps, you will see the magical words saying ‘You are now a developer !‘.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Now if you search for ‘Developer options’ in the search bar at the top, you will find that option. Click on it and check all the options available to customize your device as per your requirements.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

How to disable developer options

Our next question should be how do I turn off developer options on Android?

This is very simple. Follow the below steps to disable developer options.

  1. Go to Settings.
  2. Search for developer options. Since it is enabled already, you will see the option.
  3. Click on the on-off toggle button to turn off the Developer options.

How To Enable Developer Options In LG G8X ThinQ

Benefits of enabling developer options

There are various benefits of enabling developer options and a few of them are listed below. There are many other options as well apart from the ones listed below. You can explore more options available in the Developer options.

  1. USB Debugging: Enabling USB debugging helps to connect your device to any PC for data transfer or debugging purposes. This option is very useful in many conditions.
  2. Stay Awake: This feature is also useful if you don’t want your screen to dim. You can keep the mobile screen awake while charging to see the battery level. But this might reduce the battery life of the mobile in the long run. So in general, this feature is not that useful.
  3. Limit Background Processes: Yes, you can optimise your device performance by limiting the background processes. As we know many times our Android mobile starts lagging due to not enough RAM since many processes run in the background. Therefore, to get control over the mobile’s performance and to get better battery life, you can use this option. But make sure you don’t overuse this as that could go against your device’s functioning.
  4. Animation Scales: We all love changing the way our screen animations look. Some people want it fast and some people want it slow to enhance the feel of using the mobile. You can simply adjust animation scales that will make the device more responsive and snappier.
  5. OEM Unlocking: This option is for more techy people to unlock the bootloader of the mobile and will allow them to install custom ROMs and advanced tinkering.
  6. Enable 4x MSAA: This option is for high-quality graphics with 4x MSAA. It’s like upgrading your device’s visual capabilities, making games and apps look stunningly realistic.
  7. Show Touches: The ‘Show Touches’ option will show you a spotlight on your screen when you touch it which is useful when doing some tutorials or something.
  8. Pointer Location: This option provides more precision which allows you to see every pixel and coordinate on your device.
  9. GPU Rendering: This option is to get a turbo boost in the device’s visual or graphical performance as this improves the graphics and rendering of the games and applications.
  10. Background Check: As the name suggests, this option keeps a check on the background apps running ensuring that the device never runs out of RAM and runs smoothly like butter.
  11. Aggressive Wi-Fi to Mobile Handover: This option is to improve Wi-Fi connectivity. It optimizes Wi-Fi to mobile data handovers, giving you an uninterrupted browsing experience as you move. This option will be useful when you lose your Wi-Fi connection and switch to a data pack without losing the internet.

What are the disadvantages of developer options?

If there are advantages to enabling developer options, then there could be disadvantages too. But mainly it will in not affect the working of the device if used correctly. Below are the main cons of enabling developer options.

  1. If you enable developer options, many options also get accessible which can put your smartphone at risk and could lead to security issues.

2. If you are not well versed in the option you are enabling in the developer options, and change some settings, it could lead to breaking some functions and it won’t be possible to back it up as that mistake could have changed the visual settings of the screen. So handle it with care.

3. Enabling developer options could cause any software to install malware in the device causing the risk of multiple cyber threats.

4. There are multiple settings in Developer options to boost the device performance or graphics and many more. This could ultimately lead to faster battery drain and will shorten the device’s life. Hence it should not be used all the time.

Therefore, you must be wondering- Should I turn off developer options? We would say use it only if you know about the feature and want to use it for a shorter duration and not all the time. As this is only for development purposes like debugging etc..

The burning Question: Is developer mode good or bad?

We would say that the Developer mode could be good or bad based on the usage of the function. As mentioned above in the article, use it only if you know it as it could lead to multiple problems like security risks, device malfunctioning etc. But at the same time, if put to use correctly, it will improve the overall performance of the device along with some great features unlocked.


In conclusion, enabling developer options on your LG G8X ThinQ or any other Android smartphone can make you the real master of your smartphone but at the same time can make you the victim if not handled correctly.

TechSwankk team advises enabling developer options only if you want to explore the technical stuff in your mobile and don’t play with the options as they could make your smartphone useless if any settings get messed up. Simply turn it off when not in use. Be careful while using the Developer option feature.

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Q. How do I enable developer options on my LG g8x?
Follow the steps: Go to Settings–>search for ‘About phone’–>Click on ‘Software information’–>click on ‘Build number’ 7 times and boom you are now a developer.
Q. How to enable developer options in Samsung?
The steps are similar to any android as stated above in the article. Please keep in mind the option names could be different.
Q. How to turn on developer options in Realme or how to enable developer options in Redmi mobile?
The steps are similar to any android as stated above in the article.
Q. How to enable developer options in Oneplus?
The steps are similar to any android as stated above in the article.
Q. Why is developer mode not on my phone?
This is because developer options are a hidden feature in Android. The feature is hidden because the option is for development purposes like debugging and could put your device at risk if not configured correctly.
Q. How do I enable hidden developer options in settings?
The steps are similar to any android as stated above in the article.
Q. Does developer mode drain the battery?
This depends. If you enable the options which boost up the device performance or graphics or anything that increases the clock speed or is concerned with the screen, the battery will drain faster and the battery life will reduce.
Q. Is the developer option a risk?
The developer option is a risk if not configured correctly otherwise it is a very useful feature. We recommend disabling developer options if not in use.
Q. Does developer options make the phone slow?
The developer option by default doesn’t make your mobile slow. But if you choose the settings and don’t configure them correctly, then this could lead to malfunctioning like slowing your device or anything else which will make your device useless.
Q. What is the Smallest Width in developer options?
The smallest width is an option to change the size of the objects on the screen. If you increase the value of the smallest width option, it will reduce the size of everything you see on the screen and if you make it smaller, you will see enlarged objects.
Q. What is force 4x msaa in developer options?
MSAA stands for Multi-Sample anti-aliasing and 4x means 4 times. This option is for a better and smoother gaming experience by rendering the games in the best quality possible on the device. If not in use, it is recommended to turn off the feature as it will drain the battery fast.
Q. How to find developer options?
To find developer options, you need to enable them. To enable the developer options, Go to Settings and search for ‘About phone’. Then Click on ‘Software information’ and then click on ‘Build number’ 7 times.
Q. Why is the developer option hidden?
The developer option is hidden because of security reasons and this option is meant for development and debugging purposes.
Q. What is sRGB mode in developer options?
sRGB is to get more vibrant and true colours. You can read Google Docs for this option to know more.
Q. Is the developer option good for gaming?
Yes, you can change the settings in developer options like Enable 4x MSAA or GPU rendering etc. to boost up the performance of the device and hence improve the gaming experience.

Q. Is it safe to unlock developer options?

Go to Settings–>search for ‘About phone’–>Click on ‘Software information’–>click on ‘Build number’ 7 times and you can see the developer options unlocked.

Q. How to make Android faster with developer options? Which developer options make the phone faster?

There are multiple settings to make the phone faster by adjusting animation speeds (animation scale-Window and transition, animation duration), Limit Background Processes and a few more.

Q. Does enabling developer mode void the warranty?

No, enabling developer mode DOES NOT void the warranty of the device. Only the ‘root’ process does that.

Q. What is the background check in the developer option?

Background check in developer options is an option to enable preventing the phone from sleeping and control the number of running apps in the background. This will improve the battery life.

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